Sarape Project

  • Sarape is 57 square kilometres. Held 100% by Advance Lithium with Orogen Royalties owning a 1.5% royalty.
  • Located in close proximity to SilverCrest’s Las Chispas Mine and First Majestic’s Ermitano Mine. Orogen Royalties was an early mover into the region, they optioned Ermitano to First Majestic and hold a 2% royalty. Orogen Royalties acquired Sarape for its similar geological characteristics to Ermitano.
  • Las Chispas, Ermitano and Sarape are all in the same geological setting, in the same structural corridor and are all epithermal vein projects.
  • Las Chispas and Ermitano are high-grade gold and silver mines, with low costs of production and generate remarkable free cash flow.
  • Sarape has two key epithermal veins, the Sarape vein is over 5000 metres and Chiltepan is over 2000 metres, both are under explored with widespread gold, silver and antimony from surface samples taken where the veins outcrop.
  • Sarape and Chiltepan veins both have several epithermal vein outcrops that remain to be drilled to explore for boiling zones. Past work suggest drilling and vein outcrops are above boiling zones and remain open for drilling along strike and at depth.
  • Epithermal veins are often found in clusters, therefore the Sarape project is open for exploration to find additional near surface and blind veins. Both Las Chispas and Ermitano have many epithermal veins in their respective clusters.

Overview Map

Two drill programs have been executed in the property, Phase I in 2019 and Phase II in 2021.

Sarape vein runs for more than 5 kilometers with a NW direction.

On the NW part of the Sarape vein was identified a dilational jog with drilling, this kind of structures are an encouraging sign to continue exploring along the untested 2 kilometers projection .

Textures and geochemistry of Sarape and Chiltepin veins, show characteristics from low sulphidation epithermal deposits, bladed calcite is found all along both veins on surface.


Paying special attention to clasts of a tectonic breccia in hole SAR21-12, fine bands of sulphide, and fine grains of visible gold. We believe clasts have been transported upward, and therefore provide clues about occurrences of blind gold-silver mineralization at depth. XRF returned high grades of Au and Ag on some clasts of the tan quartz. Not in primary quartz vein, likely too high in the epithermal vein system.

Lattice-bladed quartz texture was also identified in some drill holes.

Findings SAR21-17 17m of vein true width (interception 33.10m vein from 186.80 to 219.90m).

Gold in rock chip and channel samples across Sarape and Chiltepin veins.

More tan 2 kilometers of vein remain to be tested by drill holes in the NW direction of the Sarape vein.


Silver in rock chip and channel samples across Sarape and Chiltepin veins.

Due to its composition Sarape vein is more resistant to erosion than the wall rock, it is typically prominent at the surface, which generally makes it easy to find.

Chiltepín vein was identified by almost 3 kilometres with an east-west direction.

Chiltepin vein was tested only by two holes, unfortunately anyone of them intercepted significant gold values or the structure at depth.

Multiple phases of quartz and calcite have been identified in both Sarape and Chiltepin veins.

Epithermal vein outcrop that can be seen from nearby paved road.

Sarape vein could be described as a massive > banded vein with multiple stages quartz and calcite, the vein also shows some low grade Au, Ag and Sb mineralization, that could be representing a shallow levels, suggesting that there is a potential to have better Au – Ag mineralization at Depth.

Those multiple phases were also found with drilling, were the presence of a green – yellow stages are directly related with gold and silver mineralization.

Findings SAR21-17 17m of vein true width   (interception 33.10m vein from 186.80 to 219.90m).


Antimony in rock chip and channel samples across Sarape and Chiltepin veins.

Two drill programs were done in 2019 and 2021 in Sarape and Chiltepin veins.

Green – Yellow quartz material was found in hole SAR21-17, this kind of quartz is related to mineralization in the surrounding mines.

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